Hello, I'm

Amanda Sacchi

Marketing Cloud Developer

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About me

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Eu sou uma jovem, que possui uma forte paixão por tecnologia, curiosa sobre o funcionamento das coisas, amante de reality shows - com certeza eu participaria de todos os realities da Discovery - dona de alguns gatos que acordam 03:00 da manhã para destruir a casa, um pouco nerd, um pouco princesa da Disney, ciclista aos finais de semana buscando hábitos mais saudáveis e ser uma pessoa melhor a cada dia.

I am a young woman, who has a strong passion for technology, curious about how it works of things, lover of reality shows - I would definitely participate in all of Discovery's reality shows - owner of some cats that wake up at 3:00 am to destroy the house, a little nerdy, a little Disney princess, a cyclist at weekends seeking healthier habits and being a better person every day.


Marketing Cloud Salesforce
Mongo DB

Blockchain, Smart Contracts & Solidity - (Chainlink)

Blockchain, Smart Contracts & Solidity - (Chainlink)

Dive into Blockchain, Smart Contracts & Solidity themes, combined with the tools offered by the Chainlink platform.


Bootcamp & Hackathon - (NearX)

Bootcamp & Hackathon - (NearX)

▹ Smart Contracts: Familiar with the basics of developing and deploying Ethereum smart contracts, with a focus on popular standards such as ERC20 for fungible tokens and ERC721 for non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
▹Tokens: Understanding of the foundational aspects of creating both fungible and non-fungible tokens, with hands-on experience in token deployment.
▹Solidity: Familiar with Solidity, the core programming language for Ethereum blockchain development, and capable of crafting simple smart contracts.
▹Node.js: Able to develop basic user interfaces and applications leveraging Node.js, with exposure to Web3.js for blockchain interactions.
▹MongoDB: Introductory knowledge of MongoDB for database needs within blockchain emphasizing data integrity and retrieval.
▹Docker & Remix: Experience with using Remix for smart contract testing and an understanding of Docker role in creating isolated development environments.

2023 - 2024

Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas - (FIAP)

Durante minha formação acadêmica, desenvolvi habilidades em criar aplicações web e mobile utilizando tecnologias como HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJS, Java, e Kotlin. Tenho experiência com gerenciamento de projetos usando métodos ágeis como Scrum, e na interação com bancos de dados SQL. Sou versado em cloud computing e tecnologias emergentes, incluindo Blockchain. Além disso, cultivei um mindset empreendedor, preparando-me para inovar e solucionar desafios tecnológicos no desenvolvimento de software.

Analysis and systems development - (FIAP)

Currently enrolled.During my academic training, I developed skills in creating web and mobile applications using technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJS, Java, and Kotlin. I have experience with project management using agile methods such as Scrum, and interacting with SQL databases. I am well versed in cloud computing and emerging technologies, including Blockchain. Furthermore, I cultivated an entrepreneurial mindset, preparing myself to innovate and solve technological challenges in software development.


Front End e Back End - Mastertech Academy

Finalizado. Só tenho gratidão a esse curso e às pessoas envolvidas, pois foi através dele que eu me descobri uma amante da tecnologia e tive certeza de que era isso que eu gostaria de fazer para viver, mesmo que fosse como hobby, mas de preferência como meu ganha-pão diário. Depois de finalizar o curso eu já sabia que teria que começar do zero uma nova carreira e correr atrás de uma nova faculdade na área.

Completed. I'm only grateful for this course and the people involved, as it was through it that I discovered my passion for technology and was certain that this is what I wanted to do for a living, even if just as a hobby, but preferably as my daily bread. After completing the course, I knew I would have to start from scratch in a new career and pursue another degree in the field.

2014 - 2019

Leisure and Tourism - University of Sao Paulo (USP)

Finalizado. Apesar de não seguir na área esse curso foi muito importante para o meu desenvolvimento pessoal e autoconhecimento.

Completed. Despite not following the field, this course was very important for my development personal and self-knowledge.

2023 - NOW

Marketing Cloud Consultant - MLSE

Marketing Cloud:

▹Operational Support: Ensured efficient daily Marketing Cloud operations.
▹Journey Crafting: Designed and maintained customer journeys, enhancing engagement through Marketing Cloud and Salesforce integration.
▹ Web Studio Assets: Created forms, landing pages, and more using HTML and AMPScript.
▹ Data & Automation: Executed SQL queries and automated marketing campaigns for personalized experiences.
▹ Analytics & AI: Utilized Social Studio, reports, and Einstein AI for advanced analytics and predictive insights.
▹ Collaboration Tools: Managed projects and teamwork effectively using Jira and Slack.

2021 - 2023

Marketing Cloud Analist - Jfox It

Marketing Cloud:

▹ Support and creation of daily operations and digital marketing campaigns;
▹ Initial setup and implementation of Marketing Cloud organizations;
▹ Integrations, forms and landing pages;
▹ Integration with MC Connect e API REST;
▹ Social Studio e Advertising Studio;
▹ Creating journeys and campaigns using Journey Builder;
▹ Daily use of SQL to query and automate processes;
▹ Using HTML and AMPScript for Email Editing and Formatting;
▹ Engagement Studio, Social Studio e Datorama Reports;
▹ Einstein & Web Recommendation;
▹ Initial project implementation;
▹ Engagement Studio;
▹ HTML5 & CSS to build email templates e Landing Pages;
▹ Construction and configuration of Dynamic Lists, Landing Pages, E-mails and Segmentation;
▹ Maintenance and creation of flows and journeys.

2018 - 2019

Volunteer - Lab das Minas

Plan accessible and educational workshops for teenagers and children. Go to schools and events to showcase the work carried out by the Lab. Plan trips and excursions. Provide assistance and help to the girls.

CV - Salesforce CV - BlockChain Contact me

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+55 19 99221-9299

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